Hurricane Impact Windows
In the wake of devastating hurricanes, Florida has outlined specific guidelines that must be met for windows to qualify as hurricane impact resistant. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that the windows can withstand the force of hurricane winds, as well as the impact of debris that the winds may carry toward your home. There are several ways that you can ensure that your home meets these guidelines. Some windows are tested to withstand the impact of debris during hurricanes. Depending on the elevation of the windows, they must pass either a large-missile or small-missile impact test. These windows are typically made from impact glass, making it unnecessary to install hurricane shutters on your homes. Hurricane Impact Windows for New and Old Homes Windows with hurricane impact glass can be very easily installed as part of the construction of a new home. You can also install them in older homes if you are remodeling. Due to the increased strength of hurricane windows, they are often more expensive than basic windows; the protection that they offer, however, is worth the cost. As an alternative or supplement, however, you can install hurricane shutters or window film. If you are designing a new home for your clients, visit Borano for a large selection of hurricane impact products. In addition to their mahogany wood windows, they also have a selection of hurricane impact doors. Beyond providing you and your family with safety, their exterior doors are decorative and ornate, serving both a practical and aesthetic function.